AWANA Groups
The goal of the AWANA program is to reach boys and girls with the Gospel of Christ, and train them to serve Him.

Puggles is designed for toddlers who’s parents are working in AWANA or are attending Bible study or Discipleship classes on campus. Workers are provided with a curriculum with age appropriate activities that encourage development in toddlers.

Cubbies learn to memorize scripture (or parts of scripture) as a group all of the children move at the same pace. There are sections in the clubber participation books that involve parent interaction to help children learn scripture both at home and at club.

Sparks are a high energy group! These boys and girls are usually the biggest part of the AWANA attendance. Sparks begin memorizing Scripture out of their handbooks from the first night of club to the last. Each child works at their own pace and often times readers help non-readers with learning what they must memorize. You will be surprised what your youngster can memorize!

T & T
Truth & Training Clubs are divided into boys and girls clubs. The handbooks include memorizing Scripture as well as other missions focused projects like meeting and interviewing a missionary.